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Warm Rotaract Greetings

We at Rotaract Club of Pune Mideast conducted an interesting session called

Memory Marathon followed by a General Body Meeting at ARAI, Pune.

The members were divided into teams and a set of words were given to each team. The game had 3 rounds :

In the 1st round, one member from the team had to come ahead and describe the word fully.

In the 2nd round, we could use only one word to describe the given word.

Finally in the 3rd round, we had to act the word.

In all these rounds, the words were the same making it a memory game.

This was actually a fun filled bonding session and at the same time our memory was being tested since we had to remember the words which were guessed in the previous rounds.


Rotaract Club of Pune Mideast

Zone 3

Rotaract District 3131

Unite. Lead. Inspire.

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